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Shalom Yeladim Teaneck | 2014 - 2015 Calendar

1st - Labor Day

3rd - First Day of school

24th – Erev Rosh Hashana, School closed

25th & 26th- Rosh Hashana, School Closed


Back to School Night: TBA

13th - Columbus Day

3rd - Erev Yom Kippur,

School Closed

4th - Yom Kippur, School Closed

8th – Erev Sukkot, School Closed

9th & 10th – Sukkot, School Closed 

15th - Erev Shmini Atzerat, School Closed

16th & 17th – Simchat Torah, School Closed


4th - Election Day, School Closed for Professional Development

27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break, School Closed

16th - Erev Chanukah

25th Observed Holiday, School Closed


Parent Teacher Conferences: TBA

 1st - Observed Holiday/ Asara B’Tevet, School Closed

15th through 25th - Winter Break


4th - Tu B’Shvat

16th -Presidents Day, School Closed

4th - Taanit Esther, Friday Dismissal

5th - Purim, School Closed

6th - Shushan Purim, Dress Up

1st - Model  Seder

2nd through 10th - Pesach Break

13th - School Resumes

23rd-Yom Ha’atzmaut


7th - Lag Bomer


10th - Mother’s Day


17th - Yom Yerushalayim


22nd -  Erev Shavuot, Early Dismissal


24th & 25th - Shavuot/Memorial Day, School Closed

Graduation: TBA

17th - Last Day of School

29th - First Day of Camp


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At Shalom Yeladim Preschool we create a warm, safe and stimulating environment for children. Our experienced and dedicated staff helps each child reach his or her full potential. We focus on the complete child, making sure that each individual develops a strong social, academic and spiritual foundation on which to build and grow. Our main focus is to ensure that your child has a safe and engaging educational experience in a warm and nurturing environment.


"Educate a child according to their way, and even when they are grown, they will not depart from it."                            Mishlei 22:6


ב"שלום ילדים" אנחנו מייצרים סביבה חמה ,בטוחה ומאתגרת חושים עבור הילדים. הצוות המנוסה והמסור שלנו מסייע לכל ילד למצות את מלוא הפוטנציאל שלו. אנו מתמקדים בילד כמכלול על מנת להבטיח לכל ילדיסודות איתנים של יכולות חברתיות, אקדמיות ורוחניות כבסיס להמשך התפתחותו האישית.

ההתמקדות העקרית שלנו הינה להבטיח לילדכם סביבת לימוד מרתקת ובטוחה באווירה חמה ומטפחת. 


"חנך לנער על פי דרכו, גם כי יזקין לא יסור ממנה"                     משלי 22:6


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Shalom Yeladim Preschools

 780 Palisade Avenue, Teaneck • 201.287.0007 • I 19-10 Morlot Avenue, Fair Lawn • 201.778.6000 •

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