Shalom Yeladim Teaneck | 2014 - 2015 Calendar
1st - Labor Day
3rd - First Day of school
24th – Erev Rosh Hashana, School closed
25th & 26th- Rosh Hashana, School Closed
Back to School Night: TBA

13th - Columbus Day
3rd - Erev Yom Kippur,
School Closed
4th - Yom Kippur, School Closed
8th – Erev Sukkot, School Closed
9th & 10th – Sukkot, School Closed
15th - Erev Shmini Atzerat, School Closed
16th & 17th – Simchat Torah, School Closed

4th - Election Day, School Closed for Professional Development
27th & 28th - Thanksgiving Break, School Closed

16th - Erev Chanukah
25th Observed Holiday, School Closed
Parent Teacher Conferences: TBA

1st - Observed Holiday/ Asara B’Tevet, School Closed
15th through 25th - Winter Break

4th - Tu B’Shvat
16th -Presidents Day, School Closed

4th - Taanit Esther, Friday Dismissal
5th - Purim, School Closed
6th - Shushan Purim, Dress Up

1st - Model Seder
2nd through 10th - Pesach Break
13th - School Resumes
23rd-Yom Ha’atzmaut

7th - Lag Bomer
10th - Mother’s Day
17th - Yom Yerushalayim
22nd - Erev Shavuot, Early Dismissal
24th & 25th - Shavuot/Memorial Day, School Closed

Graduation: TBA
17th - Last Day of School
29th - First Day of Camp